Usually the x86 boot loader is written in assembler. We will be exploring the possibility of writing one in C language (as much as possible) compiled with gcc, and runs in real mode. Note that you can also use the 16 bit bcc or TurboC compiler, but we will be focusing on gcc in this post. Most open source kernels are compiled with gcc, and it makes sense to write C bootloader with gcc instead of bcc as you get a much cleaner toolchain :)
As of today (20100614), gcc 4.4.4 officially only emits code for protected/long mode and does not support the real mode natively (this may
change in future).
Also note that we will not discuss the very fundamentals of booting. This article is fairly advanced and assumes that you know what it takes to write a simple boot-loader in assembler. It is also expected that you know how to write gcc inline assembly. Not everything can be done in C!
getting the tool-chain working
As we will be running in 16 bit real mode, this tells gas that the assembler was generated by gcc and is intended to be run in real mode. With this directive, gas automatically adds
addr32 prefix wherever required. For each C file which contains code to be run in real mode, this directive should be present at the top of effectively generated assembler code. This can be ensured by defining in a header and including it before any other.
#ifndef _CODE16GCC_H_
#define _CODE16GCC_H_
This is great for bootloaders as well as parts of kernel that must run in real mode but are desired written in C instead of asm. In my opinion C code is a lot easier to debug and maintain than asm code, at expense of code size and performance at times.
Special linking
As bootloader is supposed to run at physical 0x7C00, we need to tell that to linker. The mbr/vbr should end with the proper boot signature 0xaa55.
All this can be taken care of by a simple linker script.
. = 0x7C00;
.text : AT(0x7C00)
_text = .;
_text_end = .;
.data :
_data = .;
_data_end = .;
.sig : AT(0x7DFE)
/* add any unwanted sections spewed out by your version of gcc and flags here */
gcc emits elf binaries with sections, whereas a bootloader is a monolithic plain binary with no sections. Conversion from elf to binary can be done as follows:
$ objcopy -O binary vbr.elf vbr.bin
The code
With the toolchain set up, we can start writing our hello world bootloader!
vbr.c (the only source file) looks something like this:
* A simple bootloader skeleton for x86, using gcc.
* Prashant Borole (boroleprashant at Google mail)
* */
/* XXX these must be at top */
#include "code16gcc.h"
__asm__ ("jmpl $0, $main\n");
#define __NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define __REGPARM __attribute__ ((regparm(3)))
#define __NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
/* BIOS interrupts must be done with inline assembly */
void __NOINLINE __REGPARM print(const char *s){
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x10" : : "a"(0x0E00 | *s), "b"(7));
/* and for everything else you can use C! Be it traversing the filesystem, or verifying the kernel image etc.*/
void __NORETURN main(){
print("woo hoo!\r\n:)");
compile it as
$ gcc -c -g -Os -march=i686 -ffreestanding -Wall -Werror -I. -o vbr.o vbr.c
$ ld -static -Tlinker.ld -nostdlib --nmagic -o vbr.elf vbr.o
$ objcopy -O binary vbr.elf vbr.bin
and that should have created vbr.elf file (which you can use as a symbols file with gdb for source level debugging the vbr with gdbstub and qemu/bochs) as well as 512 byte vbr.bin. To test it, first create a dummy 1.44M floppy image, and overwrite it's mbr by vbr.bin with dd.
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img bs=1024 count=1440
$ dd if=vbr.bin of=floppy.img bs=1 count=512 conv=notrunc
and now we are ready to test it out :D
$ qemu -fda floppy.img -boot a
and you should see the message!
Once you get to this stage, you are pretty much set with respect to the tooling itself. Now you can go ahead and write code to read the filesystem, search for next stage or kernel and pass control to it.
Here is a simple example of a floppy boot record with no filesystem, and the next stage or kernel written to the floppy immediately after the boot record. The next image LMA and entry are fixed in a bunch of macros. It simply reads the image starting one sector after boot record and passes control to it. There are many obvious holes, which I left open for sake of brevity.
* A simple bootloader skeleton for x86, using gcc.
* Prashant Borole (boroleprashant at Google mail)
* */
/* XXX these must be at top */
#include "code16gcc.h"
__asm__ ("jmpl $0, $main\n");
#define __NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define __REGPARM __attribute__ ((regparm(3)))
#define __PACKED __attribute__((packed))
#define __NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
#define IMAGE_SIZE 8192
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define IMAGE_LMA 0x8000
#define IMAGE_ENTRY 0x800c
/* BIOS interrupts must be done with inline assembly */
void __NOINLINE __REGPARM print(const char *s){
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $0x10" : : "a"(0x0E00 | *s), "b"(7));
#if 0
/* use this for the HD/USB/Optical boot sector */
typedef struct __PACKED TAGaddress_packet_t{
char size;
char :8;
unsigned short blocks;
unsigned short buffer_offset;
unsigned short buffer_segment;
unsigned long long lba;
unsigned long long flat_buffer;
}address_packet_t ;
int __REGPARM lba_read(const void *buffer, unsigned int lba, unsigned short blocks, unsigned char bios_drive){
int i;
unsigned short failed = 0;
address_packet_t packet = {.size = sizeof(address_packet_t), .blocks = blocks, .buffer_offset = 0xFFFF, .buffer_segment = 0xFFFF, .lba = lba, .flat_buffer = (unsigned long)buffer};
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
packet.blocks = blocks;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"movw $0, %0\n"
"int $0x13\n"
"setcb %0\n"
:"=m"(failed) : "a"(0x4200), "d"(bios_drive), "S"(&packet) : "cc" );
/* do something with the error_code */
return failed;
/* use for floppy, or as a fallback */
typedef struct {
unsigned char spt;
unsigned char numh;
int __REGPARM __NOINLINE get_drive_params(drive_params_t *p, unsigned char bios_drive){
unsigned short failed = 0;
unsigned short tmp1, tmp2;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movw $0, %0\n"
"int $0x13\n"
"setcb %0\n"
: "=m"(failed), "=c"(tmp1), "=d"(tmp2)
: "a"(0x0800), "d"(bios_drive), "D"(0)
: "cc", "bx"
return failed;
p->spt = tmp1 & 0x3F;
p->numh = tmp2 >> 8;
return failed;
int __REGPARM __NOINLINE lba_read(const void *buffer, unsigned int lba, unsigned char blocks, unsigned char bios_drive, drive_params_t *p){
unsigned char c, h, s;
c = lba / (p->numh * p->spt);
unsigned short t = lba % (p->numh * p->spt);
h = t / p->spt;
s = (t % p->spt) + 1;
unsigned char failed = 0;
unsigned char num_blocks_transferred = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__
"movw $0, %0\n"
"int $0x13\n"
"setcb %0"
: "=m"(failed), "=a"(num_blocks_transferred)
: "a"(0x0200 | blocks), "c"((s << 8) | s), "d"((h << 8) | bios_drive), "b"(buffer)
return failed || (num_blocks_transferred != blocks);
/* and for everything else you can use C! Be it traversing the filesystem, or verifying the kernel image etc.*/
void __NORETURN main(){
unsigned char bios_drive = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__("movb %%dl, %0" : "=r"(bios_drive)); /* the BIOS drive number of the device we booted from is passed in dl register */
drive_params_t p = {};
get_drive_params(&p, bios_drive);
void *buff = (void*)IMAGE_LMA;
unsigned short num_blocks = ((IMAGE_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE) + (IMAGE_SIZE % BLOCK_SIZE == 0 ? 0 : 1));
if(lba_read(buff, 1, num_blocks, bios_drive, &p) != 0){
print("read error :(\r\n");
print("Running next image...\r\n");
void* e = (void*)IMAGE_ENTRY;
__asm__ __volatile__("" : : "d"(bios_drive));
goto *e;
removing __NOINLINE may result in even smaller code in this case. I had it in place so that I could figure out what was happening.
Concluding remarks
C in no way matches the code size and performance of hand tuned size/speed optimized assembler. Also, because of an extra byte (0x66, 0x67) wasted (in addr32) with almost every instruction, it is highly unlikely that you can cram up the same amount of functionality as assembler.
Global and static variables, initialized as well as uninitialized, can quickly fill those precious 446 bytes. Changing them to local and passing around instead may increase or decrease size; there is no thumb rule and it has to be worked out on per case basis. Same goes for function in-lining.
You also need to be extremely careful with various gcc optimization flags. For example, if you have a loop in your code whose number of iterations are small and deducible at compile time, and the loop body is relatively small (even 20 bytes), with default -Os, gcc will unroll that loop. If the loop is not unrolled (-fno-tree-loop-optimize), you might be able to shave off big chunk of bytes there. Same holds true for frame setups on i386 - you may want to get rid of them whenever not required using -fomit-frame-pointer. Moral of the story : you need to be extra careful with gcc flags as well as version update. This is not much of an issue for other real mode modules of the kernel where size is not of this prime importance.
Also, you must be very cautious with assembler warnings when compiling with .code16gcc. Truncation is common. It is a very good idea to use --save-temp and analyze the assembler code generated from your C and inline assembly. Always take care not to mess with the C calling convention in inline assembly and meticulously check and update the clobber list for inline assembly doing BIOS or APM calls (but you already knew it, right?).
It is likely that you want to switch to protected/long mode as early as possible, though. Even then, I still think that maintainability wins over asm's size/speed in case of a bootloader as well as the real mode portions of the kernel.
It would be interesting if someone could try this with c++/java/fortran. Please let me know if you do!